Press Release Details

Today’s announcement by The government on the schemes to boost electronic manufacturing in India had been in the works for almost 2-3 months and we applaud this initiative which is officially active now. MAIT is delighted with the introduction of this policy, the formulation of which was deliberated aggressively with the stakeholders.

The mobile manufacturing industry is very positive about the move and this scheme will help meet the targets under NPE 2019. This will certainly lead to companies moving their supply chains to India. To increase job creation, component manufacturing needs to be moved too. This will not only spur manufacturing but will make India an export-led global manufacturing hub for mobile phones.

Also, it is imperative that the government bring the major electronics ecosystem on board through these schemes. The interruption in the global supply chain due to the pandemic gives India an opportunity to increase export-led manufacturing and broadening the scope of PLI to all other major sectors of electronics such as Consumer electronics, ICT, CPE products, Computers, Medical Electronics, etc. will be a game-changer. Today’s announcement by The government on the schemes to boost electronic manufacturing in India had been in the works for almost 2-3 months and we applaud this initiative which is officially active now. MAIT is delighted with the introduction of this policy, the formulation of which was deliberated aggressively with the stakeholders.

03 Jun 2020

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